Wonderful High Heels
Get in the highest heels shoes in the world in this online game. There are many levels and the difficulty of the game increases as the level goes on, it is still fun to play and relatively challenging. Break the shackles and conquer more unknown places in the world, enjoy the fun of opening up more mechanisms waiting for you to crack, inside the track will change. When you successfully complete a level, you get a partial reward, which is great for buying various items.
Mouse to play.
Wonderful High Heels is a game in category Arcade. The game is played 880 times. Play online games in the site and vote for the games with a score from 1 to 5, by using the stars under the game. You can add each game in a list with your Favorite games, using the button Favorite, which is located in the right side under the game. This way you can find the games you like faster and play them again. A list with favorite games, last played games and top games is available in the top of each page in the game site. You can play the game in fullscreen by using the button located on the right side above the game.